Some important things to note before ordering:
We are only able to accept orders billed to and shipped to the U.S.
No international orders possible.

Please click on an item and read the description before ordering an item!

When ordering a snake, it is helpful to cut a string the given length of the snake
and put it into the same position as the snake being ordered to get an accurate idea of the size.

To see snakes being worn and displayed, click here.
Click here for information about snakes for Medusa head and then come on back

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Welcome to a very large selection of reptile and other animal replica items.
We have been in business since 1994, selling some interesting stuff. We personally like reptiles and love seeing them in the wild but enjoy more having replicas about that do not need captivity and feeding.

We have probably the largest stock around of AAA reptile and other animal figures. They have been out of business since 2018, and we still have many of their products available. However, if you do not find it on our pages, the chances are good that we do not have it. We also have some discontinued Safari Ltd. reptiles, some discontinued Adventure Planet snakes, and some discontinued Wild Republic reptiles.

Many of our products are of interest to and educational for children, but be aware that we do not sell any as suitable for very young children. Many are not cleared for being put in the mouth and/or are considered choking hazards for children under 3 or 5 years of age.

We do not collect credit card information on this website. We can accept VISA and MASTERCARD and most other cards through PAYPAL. We do not forward our customers to Paypal for immediate payment but will send an invoice shortly after order receipt, to be sure everything that you have ordered is in stock and ready to ship. [Click here for Paypal payment info]

You can also transmit your order and then send payment by check or money order.

We are only able to accept U.S. orders and payments from U.S. sources and do not ship to other countries. The Postal System has made it more difficult to ship APO orders, and we can no longer process them.

We do not take orders over the telephone, as we are on a working farm and do not have staff to handle phone inquiries. Please feel free to email questions before ordering, as we want to be sure before we proceed that what you are ordering is exactly what you want.

Come back soon and see how we are doing with new items and groupings.
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